Monday, 8 June 2015

Sea for Society in Belfast and Galway this week

The Irish Sea for Society team are out and about in force this week spreading the word about the project and the need to live in sustainable harmony with the Sea.

'Black John' - doing his bit for the Blue Society
The first event took place on Saturday 6th June when AquaTT joined forces with the interactive science discovery centre W5 in Belfast in a series of marine related cartoon workshops about the sea featuring that eco-friendly buccaneer 'Black John the Bogus Pirate'.

Young people who completed Black John's 'Cartoon Workbook of Marine Beasts' and promised to dispose of their plastic waste in an eco-friendly way were awarded a PhD (a 'Pirate's Higher Diploma') and copies of the Irish Sea for Society Compendium.

Cliona O'Ceallachain and Niamh Dornan on the Sea for Society pop-up bar
outside the Galway Atlantaquaria

Irish Sea for Society workbooks (and 'Black John's' sword)
on display at the AquaTT stand in Galway

On Sunday 7th June, the AquaTT roadshow went west to the city of Galway with their specially designed 'pop-up bar' where Niamh Dornan, Cliona O'Ceallachain and John Joyce distributed Sea for Society information and 'Citizen Pledges' at the Galway Atlantiquaria to celebrate World Oceans Day.

On Tuesday 9th June, the team return to Galway to collaborate with the Marine Institute as young people from all over the area descend on the docks area for an exciting tour of the national research vessel R.V. Celtic Explorer. 

News of that event in our next blog . . . 

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